Protecting Your Smile and Bite: The Importance of Retainers
At Foote Orthodontics in Bryn Mawr and Wayne, PA, we love helping patients achieve the smiles they’ve always wanted. However, maintaining that beautiful smile and a healthy bite doesn’t end when orthodontic treatment is complete. Retainers are a crucial part of this journey, essential for protecting the alignment of your teeth and the health of…
Read MoreEarly Orthodontic Treatment: Building a Foundation for Healthy Growth and Development
At Foote Orthodontics, serving families in Bryn Mawr and Wayne, PA, we take an advanced approach to early orthodontic treatment that goes beyond just aligning teeth. Early intervention, known as orthopedic treatment, is crucial in guiding the growth and development of facial bones, airways, and underlying structures. This approach helps prevent more complex issues down…
Read MoreWhy you’ll love dental monitoring
Imagine cutting your office visits in half! Dental Monitoring’s state-of-the-art monitoring technology lets you stay in touch with us from anywhere. The user-friendly mobile app and ScanBox makes your orthodontic treatment much more efficient. You’ll get instructions from a team member in-person on how to get started with the DM app and ScanBox pro.…
Read MoreWhy lightforce braces (custom 3D printed braces) are better than traditional braces
Traditional stainless steel or ceramic braces are pre-fabricated in standard shapes and sizes. The orthodontist can bend wires and position braces to help move your teeth in the right direction at each office visit. However, the doctor reacts to what they see when the patient is in the chair and then adjusts the wire or…
Read Moredoes your child snore?
snoring/mouth breathing Snoring and mouth breathing are not normal. We should all be breathing through our noses, and these habits in a growing child can point to an underlying problem. If a child is mouth breathing, this will alter how their upper and lower jaws develop. Mouth breathing can also indicate inadequate airway, leading to…
Read Moreoctober is national orthodontic health month!
Most people associate October with Halloween, falling leaves, and pumpkin spiced lattes. As an orthodontist, I associate October with National Orthodontic Health Month. An entire month dedicated to learning about the benefits of orthodontic treatment on not only your dental health but overall wellbeing. Orthodontic treatment helps align the teeth in the best possible position…
Read Moresleep related breathing disorders (srbd) in children
Sleep related breathing disorders are essentially any disruption that isn’t normal breathing. Common disorders are snoring, upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS) and obstructive sleep apnea(OSA). Sleep apnea in young children is a sleep disorder in which your child’s breathing is partially or completely blocked repeatedly during sleep. The condition is due to narrowing or blockage…
Read Moremaxillary skeletal expansion (mse)
maxillary skeletal expansion (mse) Maxillary Skeletal Expansion (or MSE) has completely revolutionized how we think about our ability as orthodontists to help re-establish the width of the upper jaw. Post industrial revolution, our human faces changed. Softer diets of pre-cooked, pre-packaged foods quickly changed our faces for the worse. Our jaws narrowed and face elongated…
Read Moreforgot to wear your retainer? lost your retainer? minor shifting?
Minor relapse tends to be common in our high school/college age patients who maybe aren’t so great about wearing retainers ….. Sometimes even our adult patients struggle with consistent retainer wear. If you have minor relapse and would like to correct it, Invisalign is an easy way to realign your teeth. Treatment prices range from…
Read Moredid you know your orthodontist offers botox?
Today, orthodontists can do more than just straighten teeth with braces and aligners . With the proper training, they can also treat everything from crow’s feet to teeth grinding with Botox injections. Botox dental treatment is offered to provide TMJ/ Facial Pain and Bruxism (teeth grinding) relief, and it can get your smile looking its…
Read Morehow to tell if my child needs braces
February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, and a great excuse to make sure your child’s oral hygiene needs are being met. You probably take your children to the dentist every six months, but as they get older and their baby teeth are replaced by permanent ones, you may find yourself wondering if it’s time…
Read Morediy braces: is this right for me?
What are DIY braces? They might seem like part of the “do it yourself” (DIY) trend, the idea of building and fixing things on your own. However, there are certain products that demand years of experience and specialized equipment to get right—braces are one of these. If you make DIY braces without the training, knowledge,…
Read More5 tips to reduce pain from braces
Getting your braces tightened or adjusted isn’t always the most pleasant experience. And no matter how much you love your orthodontist (and how excited you are for your new smile), chances are, you’ve left an appointment or two thinking—my braces hurt. When your braces hurt, it usually isn’t cause for alarm. Braces pain is completely…
Read Moredoes my kid need braces? here’s what to look for
You take your child to the dentist regularly, and you have done everything you can to keep their teeth clean, gums healthy, and the cavities away. At your most recent visit to the dentist, you may have heard a suggestion that you never anticipated hearing before: your child needs braces. Whether your child is excited…
Read Morethe invisalign process: what to expect
The Invisalign process provides an effective, aesthetic alternative to the metal braces that you had nightmares about when you were a teenager! The ease of taking aligners off to brush and floss, makes hygiene care far easier than with traditional braces. is invisalign right for you? child holding teeth model Invisalign aligners are suitable for…
Read Morestraight teeth for brides…or anyone who wants a beautiful smile in less time!
Do you want to straighten your teeth for an upcoming special occasion? Perhaps a wedding? According to a Wakefield Research survey, 92% of brides say a smile is the most important wedding day accessory. However, most brides simply don’t want to, or don’t have the time to undergo comprehensive orthodontic treatment prior to their big…
Read Morekeeping your tongue clean and healthy enhances your orthodontic treatment
Tongues are outstanding wonders. They aid in nourishment and help clean our teeth. They are an extremely important aspect of our oral and whole body health. They are also very helpful in keeping your braces clean. On average, the tongue is home to 10,000 taste buds, but it also hosts billions of bacterium. Oral bacteria…
Read Morechewing the right type of gum during orthodontic treatment can help decrease cavities!
Chewing gum in various forms has been around since ancient times. The Greeks chewed sap from the mastic tree, called mastiche. On the other side of the world, the ancient Mayans favored the sap of the sapodilla tree (called tsiclte). Native Americans from New England chewed spruce sap—a habit they passed on to European settlers.…
Read Morekeeping teeth clean during orthodontic treatment
Did you know that approximately 80% of teenagers in the US wear braces? And what do these young people all have in common? They need to take extra care in keeping their teeth clean and healthy during their orthodontic treatment. Just as sometimes a teen needs to be cajoled into cleaning their room, there may…
Read Morea rainbow of color ties for braces leads to straight teeth
Of course you know that your braces help to make your teeth straighter, correct your bite and improve your smile. But did you know that something so wonderful can be fun and colorful at the same time? The stainless steel brackets on your teeth have a slot and two wings. The main wire is placed…
Read Morefoote orthodontics wants you to smile this summer!
What’s on your list to make you smile this summer? Foote Orthodontics hopes it’s a fun sunshine-filled list! Check out this video for some ideas for your own list.
Read Morewhy choose invisalign over braces in orthodontic treatment?
Almost all orthodontic patients are great candidates for Invisalign. It works for most ages, from teens to adults of any age! Treatment with Invisalign involves a series of customized flexible trays, called “aligners”. As you replace each aligner with the next, your teeth will begin to move gradually—week-by-week until the final alignment prescribed is attained.…
Read Moredr. foote’s thoughts on early orthodontic treatment for your child
Parents often call to ask Dr. Foote: “at what age should I bring my child to the orthodontist?”. As parents, often you hear your friends chatting about their child starting at a certain age, and it can be confusing! The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) recommends a child first be seen by an orthodontist as…
Read Moresmile and show your braces in june at foote orthodontics!
June 14th – Flag Day On June 14th, Americans celebrate the adoption of the first U.S. national flag. This flag is sometimes affectionately called “Old Glory”. The Continental Congress approved the first American flag on June 14th, 1777. In fact, according to legend, Philadelphia seamstress Betsy Ross designed the new flag, which consisted of a…
Read Moremay is national teen self esteem month
National Teen Self-Esteem Month was created to raise public awareness about low self-esteem and how it can affect teens. Negative self-image affects many aspects of their everyday lives. Some evidence shows learning disabilities and increased risk of eating disorders can originate in a teen’s low self-esteem. It can also lead to drug abuse and suicidal…
Read Morewelcome to foote orthodontics
dr. catherine foote: giving back Dr. Foote is committed to providing exceptional orthodontics in Bryn Mawr and Wayne, PA. Because of her passion to give back, she is extremely active within the community and has donated countless treatments to various church, school, and community auctions, as well as provided sponsorship to local sports teams. …
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